FAST Tips Newsletter
FAST Tips is monthly newsletter published at the end of every month. This archive has FAST Tips publications starting from January 2014.
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December 2016 |
- When will a cheque be generated if the projected clearing date is during the Christmas Break?
November 2016 |
- Are child care expenses reimbursable while Faculty/Staff are attending a conference?
- Uber, AirBnB and HST…what’s the deal? The invoices/receipts don’t show the HST and Business
Number do we need to self-assess the tax?
- SIMULATION: How to Create and Retrieve Selection Screen Variants

October 2016 |

- What is considered eligible documentation to support the reimbursement of AirBnB accommodations?
- When I process a Goods Receipt, why is the line item grayed out?
- Update to GTFM Policy related to approvals of air travel for long flight segments (i.e., exceeding 6 hours in duration)
September 2016 |


- How to accurately record refundable deposits (HINT: Not as Revenue)
FAST Tip eNewsletter
- When I display my Purchase Order (PO), why does the amount field for my Goods Receipt show $0.00 in the Purchase Order History tab?
- How to process tax only payments
- Update: New tax rate for P.E.I.
- Update: New Public Transit Expense Category on the Expense Report Form
- SIMULATION: How to Submit Month-End Reports in the Background.

August 2016 |
- What is “PERA” and what can it be used for?
- TOP 5 Unusual or Interesting Expense Reimbursement Scenerios
- SIMULATION: How to Print an Additional Copy of a Purchase Order (PO)

July 2016 |
- Air Travel and Class of Service – Premium Economy is now in the GTFM
- Determining when to use “alpha alpha” vs “alpha numeric” tax codes when processing expense reimbursements (REPEAT TIP – Nov 2014).
- SIMULATION: How to Locate your Funds Parent Funds Center and Funds Center Hierarchy

June 2016 |
- New Tax Rates in New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador
- Can Cash Deposits be sent by Campus Mail?
- SIMULATION: How to Locate your Cost Center Group Hierarchy

May 2016 |
- SIMULATION: How to create custom line item reports

- Update to the ZFM1 Report – revenue received vs receivable view
- Recommended documentation for expense reimbursement claims related to long-term accommodation
April 2016 |

- What are Year-End Operating Reserves and how are they calculated?
- Updating Lease POs in the new fiscal year
- Understanding operating payroll reservations in the new fiscal year
March 2016 |

BREAKING NEWS (Mid-Month Video)
- VIDEO DEMO: Understanding the Linking Table and its Impact on the CO Planning Process

FAST Tip eNewsletter
- Cancelling Outstanding balance of PO
- What is an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), and is it a reimbursable expense?
- New reimbursement rate for mileage when UofT traveller uses a personally owned vehicle.
February 2016 |
- Can we reimburse expenses if they were paid for using Frequent Flyer Points/Gift Cards
- What is an “R” Payment Block in a purchase order related invoice, and how is it removed?
- How to proactively prevent the following error messages when processing against a Purchase Order (PO) in the new FY that references Funds with an end date in prior fiscal year:
- Automatic carryforward is only allowed for amount 0
- Document… has not been carried forward to the current year
- What to do if you receive these error messages after May 1st
January 2016 |
- Expense reimbursement policy – Alternative Approvals vs. “Acting” Roles
- VIDEO DEMO: How to check if an invoice has been processed in FIS when you don’t know the document #

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