These are important questions to answer in order to understand how the General Ledger (G/L) account selected/posted to in FIS transactions impacts FM Accounts (i.e. Funds Centers and Funds Center/Funds), particularly restrictive research grants.
Note: visit the FIS Glossary for definitions of G/L Account and Commitment Items.
When processing in FIS, a G/L account number is entered/selected to identify the expense or revenue activity taking place. The system will then default Commitment Item budget category that the G/L is linked/grouped into.
For example, when paying an invoice for scientific equipment, G/L account 821610 is linked to the Commitment Item EQUIP-PUR (see red highlight box below).
When you need to charge a unique Commitment Items, such as SPECIAL or SUB-GRANT for research grants, or EXP-UTFA/EXP-CERF for PI Funds Centers, override the default Commitment Item in the FIS transaction screen (see green highlight box below). These unique Commitment Items are NOT linked to any particular G/L accounts.
[lightweight-accordionsub1 title=”Where can I find a list of G/L accounts and the Commitment Items they are linked to?” expanded=”true” tag=”h4″]
The ZRFFMFK02 – G/L Account List with Additional Text report enables you to get a list and filter to identify the G/L account, Commitment Item and Long Text/Account Assignment Info description.
Typically, the G/L account will be linked to the lowest level in that particular Commitment Item’s hierarchy (e.g., EQUIP-PUR >> EQUIPMENT >> EQUIP-S).
[/lightweight-accordionsub1] [lightweight-accordionsub1 title=”How are Commitment Items organized and where can I find a list of Commitment Items?” expanded=”true” tag=”h4″]Commitment Items are organized in a hierarchy from the most summary level (i.e. EXPENSE-S) to lower levels (e.g., EQUIP-PUR).
The entire Commitment Item hierarchy information can be located at FMCIE – Display Commitment Hierarchy.
When the system looks for budget, and performs Funds Availability Checking (i.e. Budget less Commitments and Actuals) at the highest level Commitment Item that the budget rolls-up to within the Funds Center or Funds Center/Fund. For example, in an operating Funds Center this would be EXPENSE-S (i.e. 821610 >> EQUIP-PUR >> EQUIPMENT >> EQUIP-S >> EXPENSE-S). In contrast, a research grant may have budget restricted at lower level Commitment Items (i.e. EQUIP-S).
[/lightweight-accordionsub1] [lightweight-accordionsub1 title=”Which report should I run to view the Commitment Items that my Funds Center or Funds Center/Fund budgets are separated into?” expanded=”true” tag=”h4″]To view the budget breakdown for a single Funds Center or Funds Center/Fund combination, run the ZFM1 – Funding: Funds Center or Fund report. For multiple accounts, or for an entire hierarchy generate the ZFTR008 – Total Funding Activity report.
Here is an example of Funds Center/Fund combination where the budget is broken down into the lower level/more restrictive Commitment Item.
For Operating Funds Centers, the budget for Funds Availability is always set at EXPENSE-S.
[/lightweight-accordionsub1]Learn More: